Accelerating growth with a challenger mindset

Annual report and accounts 2024

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By becoming more consumer focused, more agile and more performance driven we are better
able to deliver enhanced shareholder returns and to meet the needs of our wider stakeholders.

Delivering on our strategy

Our performance

Tobacco & NGP net revenue (£ billion)


2023: £8.0bn






2024 Tobacco & NGP net revenue growth at constant currency +4.6%

Dividend per share (pence)


2023: 146.82p






2024 Dividend per share growth +4.5%

Absolute CO2 equivalent emissions Scope 1 and Scope 2 market-based (tonnes)


2023: 101,415t**






Our target is to be Net Zero in our direct operations by 2030

* 2017 is the baseline.

** Baseline and previous years have been restated due to Scope 2 market-based emissions correction.

Aggregate market share of our five priority combustible markets


(2023: +10bps)

NGP net revenue growth at constant currency


(2023: +26.4%)

FY25 share repurchase


(2024: £1.1bn)

We start with the consumer

We put the consumer at the centre of our business, with strong insights guiding our approach to building a portfolio of local and international challenger brands which resonate with millions of adult consumers every day.


“The best moment to smoke is when I am alone, with my coffee and I have zero issues on my mind. A smoker always sees tobacco quality first, and for me, why would I pay more when Gauloises gives me the quality I need? ”



gauloises Logo

“I wanted to find something that would not smell like a typical cigarette, would be flavourful and enjoyable to use among friends. I like the iSenzia flavours and I like that the device is small and handy. I like to use Pulze when reading — it's relaxing.”



Pulze Logo

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Brands of choice

Leadership Statements

Thérèse Esperdy, Chair

Thérèse EsperdyChair

I am pleased to report a further step-up in performance: operationally, financially, and in the delivery of our ambitious People and Planet objectives. Our success in 2024 builds on the consistent track record we have been developing since the launch of our current strategy four years ago.

Full statement PDF

Developing our track record

Stefan Bomhard, Chief Executive Officer

Stefan BomhardChief Executive Officer

As we enter the final year of our current strategy, I am pleased with how we have strengthened the Company and delivered a more consistent performance. Imperial Brands has become a more effective challenger business through new consumer capabilities, agile ways of working, and a high-performance culture.

Full statement PDF

Delivering on our strategy

Our Strategy in action

The choices we make are guided by our strategy, purpose and vision as well as our approach to managing our environmental, social and governance (ESG) priorities.

Our purpose Forging a path to a healthier future for
moments of relaxation and pleasure.

Our vision To build a strong challenger business
powered by responsibility, focus and choice

Strategic pillars

Critical enablers

Operating review

Europe Region

Explore the region

Americas Region

Explore the region


Explore the region


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Accelerating Returns

Group Financial Review



reflecting wider industry market size
declines across our footprint

Tobacco & NGP net revenue


at constant currency, driven by robust
tobacco price mix and NGP growth

Adjusted operating cash


(2023: 92%)

Reported operating profit


reflecting operating performance, with
adverse foreign exchange movements

Adjusted operating profit


at constant currency, driven by tobacco
pricing, reduced NGP losses and Logista

Adjusted net debt/EBITDA


(2023: 1.9x)

Reported basic EPS


an increase of 19.1%

Adjusted EPS


an increase of 10.9% on a constant
currency basis

ESG Review

Our commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues is a core element of our business strategy and aligns to our purpose and vision.

Healthier futures

Positive contribution to society

Safe & Inclusive Workplace

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At a glance

At a glance

Three years into our strategy, we have built a consistent track record of delivery against our key objectives.

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The Board confirms that the Group complied with the principles and all relevant provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code 2018 (the "Code") for the period under review.

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Business Model

Business Model

The choices we make in running our business differentiate us from our global peers.

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Focus on our priority markets

A focused approach is creating growing revenue and profit from our largest tobacco businesses

Five markets – the United States, Germany, the UK, Spain and Australia – contribute around 70% of operating profit. A key pillar of our strategy is a focus on driving value in these businesses through targeted brand building, improvements in sales capabilities and careful portfolio management. Our ambition is to maintain stable market share in aggregate and in any given year some markets will grow share while other markets may see reductions. In 2024, we recorded the fourth consecutive year of stable or growing aggregate share alongside strong pricing. Share gains in the US, Germany Spain and Australia have more than offset declines in the UK.

Driving value from our broader market portfolio

We focus on the medium-sized and smaller markets with the strongest opportunities for future growth

We have developed a rigorous approach to managing our broader portfolio of markets. This involves stronger consumer engagement, targeted investment in brands and improved sales execution. The establishment of the Africa, Asia, Australasia and Central & Eastern Europe cluster has enabled stronger performance management of these markets and more effective sharing of best practices. We utilise the same tools as our largest five markets to drive performance across our broader market portfolio.


We are defining a distinctive challenger position offering strong consumer choices across multiple categories

Our consumer-led, partnership approach to innovation and development means we now have attractive propositions across all categories: vape, heated products and oral nicotine. However, we continue to be disciplined in our market entry strategy – only launching products where there is existing consumer demand for the category and where we already have strong routes to market. Since 2020, at actual exchange rates we have grown NGP net revenue by 64%, and NGP now accounts for 4% of tobacco and NGP net revenue.

During 2024, we grew NGP net revenue across all three of our global regions – and across all categories. US performance was driven by the launch of our new Zone oral nicotine pouches. In the Europe region, growth was led by our refreshed portfolio of vaping products including the new blu bar disposable and the rechargeable blu bar kit. In AAACE, we are building consumer loyalty in heated products, including our new iSenzia tea-based sticks.


New ways of working and improvements in tech and data are enabling more sustainable growth

Our 2021 strategy identified a need to better integrate our operations to become simpler and more efficient. We have made significant structural changes to our enabling functions including finance, IT and People & Culture to help these teams partner more closely with the business. Our Global Business Services unit, set up in 2022, is now well established and across our global factory footprint, we are improving standardisation, driving a safety-first and quality-first approach. We have also embarked on Unify, our multi-year business transformation programme, enabling the simplification of our operations and making them more efficient by standardising our core business processes, harmonising our data and unifying our core system that connect us globally to provide enhanced business and consumer insights, enabling informed decisions at speed for us to be an agile and challenger business. In October 2024, we passed an important milestone with the first market cluster adopting these tools.


We have a structured approach to becoming a more accountable, collaborative and inclusive organisation

Our progress towards becoming a consistently high-performing business has been driven by an integrated multi-year programme. Underpinning all our activities have been our five behaviours: Start with the Consumer; Collaborate with Purpose; Take Accountability with Confidence; Be Authentic and Inclusive to all; and Build our Future. Key activities for 2024 have included an expansion of the Connected Leadership programme, which enables our senior people to become better coaches and unlock the full potential of their teams. We have also launched new initiatives to support career development and the acceleration of high-potential female leaders. As part of our wider diversity, equity and inclusion ambitions, we are committed to raising the proportion of women among our senior leaders to 35% by 2027. This year we maintained our strong engagement score of 74%, one point above the global benchmark.

Putting the Consumer at the centre of the business

Investments in insights, innovation, marketing and portfolio management are supporting success in global markets.

The tobacco and nicotine environment is undergoing transformative change with consumer tastes becoming more eclectic. The pace of innovation is accelerating and there is now a broad NGP ecosystem where partnering is important to success. To capitalise on these long-term trends, we have been patiently investing in our consumer capabilities. In consumer insights, there has been a step-change in our level of consumer interactions. During FY24 we conducted a total of 220,000 interviews and, at any one time, we have at least 70 research programmes in flight. Also during the year, we opened a new sensory laboratory in Shenzhen adding to our existing facilities in Liverpool and Hamburg. In revenue growth management, after initial pilots, we have begun a global roll-out of SWIPE, our new price simulation tool.

Links to SDGs

SDG 3: We are committed to tobacco harm reduction


NGP net revenue

NGP net revenue from tobacco and NGP net revenue

Our consumer health ambitions are underpinned by three pillars:

  1. Consumer Choice: Providing adult smokers and nicotine consumers with a range of NGP.
  2. Scientific Substantiation: Demonstrating our NGP are potentially harm reduced compared to smoking.
  3. Unintended Use Prevention: Ensuring our NGP are used by adult smokers and adult nicotine users only.

Consumer health

FY24 Performance

We are committed to strengthening our next generation products (NGP) to make a more meaningful contribution to harm reduction by offering adult smokers a range of potentially less harmful products.

Links to SDGs

SDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

SDG 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all


25% Reduction in energy consumption by 2030

Absolute energy consumption in our operations (GWh)1

50% Reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by 2025

Absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 market-based CO2e emissions (Tonnes)1

50% Reduction in absolute Scope 3 emissions by 2030

Total Scope 3 CO2e emissions (Tonnes)

Climate change

FY24 Performance

We achieved our energy reduction target ahead of time with a 32% decrease in energy consumption compared to the 2017 baseline year. We will set a new target subject to approval by the ESG Committee.

We achieved a 69% reduction in our total Scope 1 and Scope 2 market-based CO2e emissions compared to the baseline year. *The baseline has been restated due to the correction in Scope 2 emissions relating to the source of heat and steam in our factory in Türkiye.

In FY24, we updated our Scope 3 calculation methodology and as a result we have we have restated our 2017 baseline year* based on this new methodology. We have seen a 34% decrease in total Scope 3 emissions compared to the 2017 baseline year.

Links to SDGs

SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns


20% Reduction in waste generated in our operations by 2030

Absolute waste (Tonnes)1

Zero Waste to landfill in our operations by 2025

Absolute non-hazardous waste sent to landfill (Tonnes)1

100% of all wood fibre in our packaging will be sustainably sourced by 2025

Percentage of wood fibre in our packaging sustainably sourced

Packaging & waste

FY24 Performance

We achieved our waste reduction target ahead of time with a 32% decrease in waste compared to the 2017 baseline year. We will set a new target subject to approval by the ESG Committee.

We achieved a 96% reduction in non-hazardous waste sent to landfill compared to the baseline year.

96% of wood fibre in our packaging is now sustainably sourced. The slight reduction of this score seen in 2024 is due to a change in the calculation methodology.

Links to SDGs

SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns


All leaf suppliers expressing a commitment to supporting their farmers to access a decent standard of living

Percentage of leaf suppliers expressing a commitment to support their farmers to access a decent standard of living

100% Sustainable wood used as tobacco curing fuel1 by 2025

Percentage of sustainably sourced wood or matched by managed planting

100% of our tobacco leaf suppliers participating in the Sustainable Tobacco Programme (STP)

Percentage of total leaf suppliers participating in the STP

Farmer livelihoods & welfare

FY24 Performance

98%A of our leaf suppliers have expressed a commitment to support their farmers to access a decent standard of living.

86%A of the wood was sourced from sustainable and traceable sources with an additional 13% matched by managed planting.

The baseline number* has been restated following a retesting of supplier data. 100% of our leaf suppliers participated in the STP.

Links to SDGs

SDG 12: We aim to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns


50% of Purchased Goods and Services (PGS) suppliers by spend are committed to science based targets by 2024

Percentage of suppliers in the PGS category by spend committed to science based targets

50% of partner suppliers by spend have an ethical trading assessment via Sedex or equivalent by 2024

Percentage of partner suppliers by spend with an ethical trading assessment via Sedex or equivalent

Sustainable & responsible sourcing

FY24 Performance

We achieved our target of 50% of suppliers by spend in the PGS category committed to science-based targets.

We exceeded our target for our partner suppliers by spend having an ethical trading assessment via Sedex or equivalent, with 86% at the end of FY24.

Links to SDGs

SDG 8: We are committed to decent work for all and to sustainable economic growth


Factory sites self-assessment compliance with our human rights leading indicators

Human Rights

FY24 Performance

98% of our factory sites self-assessments are compliant with our human rights leading indicators.There are two sites that will address gaps to reach compliance with our internal standard in FY25.

Links to SDGs

SDG 3: Good health and wellbeing

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth


75% Reduction in lost time accident (LTA) rate by 2030

Lost time accidents per 200,000 hours worked1,2

Reduction in total number of accidents each year

Absolute total number of accidents 1,2

60% Reduction in fleet collision rate by 2025

Fleet collisions per million kilometres1

Employee health, safety & wellbeing

FY24 Performance

We have seen a 25% reduction in the LTA rate compared to the 2019 baseline year.

We have seen a 63% reduction in the total number of accidents compared to the 2019 baseline year.

We have achieved the target set for fleet collision rate with a 64% reduction compared to the 2019 baseline year.

Links to SDGs

SDG 5: We aim to achieve gender equality and a more inclusive organisation


Female representation at Executive Leadership Team (ELT) level

Percentage of females at ELT level

Female representation on the Board

Percentage of female Board members

Diversity, equity & inclusion

FY24 Performance

Two female ELT members were appointed in FY24.

One female Board member was appointed in FY24.

Europe Region

Aleš Struminský President, Europe Region

* Change at constant currency


  • Financial performance driven by strong pricing across multiple markets as volume decline rates continue to improve
  • Encouraging stabilisation in German market share, with market share growth in Spain and decline in the UK
  • Leveraging our local jewel brand strategy to drive operational and financial performance
  • NGP net revenue performance reflects scale building in existing markets and new product innovations
  • Successful roll-out of new vapour products including the 1,000-puff blu bar disposable and the rechargeable blu bar kit during the year.
  • Adjusted operating profit growth reflects strong combustible performance and improving NGP gross margins

americas Region

Kim Reed President and CEO, Americas Region

* Change at constant currency


  • Cigarette share growth up 15 basis points to 10.9%
  • Tobacco net revenue growth at constant currency reflects strong pricing (+11.7%) and market share gains offsetting volume declines
  • Mass market cigar performance improved, benefiting from product innovation and brand loyalty
  • NGP net revenue growth reflecting successful targeted launch of modern oral brand, Zone, in 12 metropolitan areas
  • Adjusted operating profit grew at constant currency, reflecting strong cigarette pricing, which more than offset the reduction in volumes, increased NGP investment, higher leaf costs, leaf inventory adjustments and wage inflation. At actual exchange rates, adjusted operating profit declined


Priyali Kamath President, Africa, Asia, Australasia and Central & Eastern Europe

* Change at constant currency


  • Strong financial results at constant currency reflecting recovery in the second half of the year as earlier disruption due to shipment timings abated
  • Tobacco and NGP net revenue growth at constant currency driven by our African, Central & Eastern European and Asia, Middle East & Turkey market clusters
  • At actual exchange rates, tobacco & NGP net revenue declined
  • Positive tobacco price mix across region offset volume declines
  • Market size pressures in Australia somewhat offset by market share growth and pricing supported by active brand portfolio management
  • NGP net revenue growth reflecting new product introductions in Central & Eastern Europe markets
  • Adjusted operating profit delivery at constant currency driven by strong tobacco performance and reduction of NGP losses. At actual exchange rates, adjusted operating profit declined



  • Gross profit reflects good underlying growth and integration of prior year acquisitions
  • Diversification strategy means over 50% gross profit from non-tobacco-related businesses
  • Adjusted operating profit includes strong contribution from profit on inventory following tobacco price increases

* Change at constant currency.
** Eliminations relate to sales of tobacco and NGP product to Logista that are still held in their inventory

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