On 12 October 2018 the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that it had requested information from 21 manufacturers, including our Fontem Ventures subsidiary in the US, to support their compliance with certain FDA rules on the marketing, sale and distribution of vaping products in the US.
All Fontem Ventures products in the US were available prior to 8 August 2016. We will be providing the required supporting information to the FDA in line with its 30-day deadline.
We fully recognise the challenge faced by the FDA in balancing the positive public health potential of vapour products with legitimate concerns regarding youth access and responsible marketing.
Imperial Brands and Fontem are committed to creating something better for the world’s smokers. Vaping provides a unique opportunity to switch smokers to a healthier alternative but this can only be achieved by responsible businesses operating in appropriately regulated markets.
We will continue to engage with the FDA and other regulators around the world to shape the regulation that will encourage smokers to switch, focusing on issues including youth access prevention, product standards, harm reduction and responsible marketing.