The Board delegates matters to Board committees. Clearly defined terms of reference and written limits support these delegations.
The People, Governance & Sustainability Committee provides oversight of the Company’s people and culture policies and practices to ensure they align with the Group’s values, strategy, performance and risk management framework. It keeps succession plans for the Board and the Executive Leadership Team under review. The Committee monitors the management and mitigation of key environmental, social & governance (ESG) and ethics and compliance (E&C) risks as well as the Group’s ESG and E&C performance.
Thérèse Esperdy Chair 1
Sue Clark
Ngozi Edozien
Andrew Gilchrist
Julie Hamilton
Alan Johnson CMG
Bob Kunze-Concewitz
Jon Stanton
1 Unless dealing with the succession of the Chair. Executive Directors are invited to attend when appropriate.
People, Governance & Sustainability Committee Terms of Reference
The Audit Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its corporate governance responsibilities relating to financial and narrative reporting and controls. This includes oversight of the Group’s internal control systems, risk management process and framework, the Group Internal Audit department and the external audit.
It also involves ensuring the integrity of the Group’s financial statements and related announcements.
Alan Johnson CMG Chair
Sue Clark
Andrew Gilchrist
Jon Stanton
Our remuneration policy aligns the interests of management with those of our shareholders, ensuring our ability to attract and retain high performing executives whilst incentivising the delivery of our strategic objectives and sustained returns for investors.
Sue Clark Chair
Ngozi Edozien
Julie Hamilton
Alan Johnson CMG
Bob Kunze-Concewitz
Jon Stanton