Our ESG performance
We measure our performance against our material environmental and social issues and are in the process of developing long-term sustainability targets
We measure our performance against our material environmental and social issues and are in the process of developing long-term sustainability targets
Independent assurance and review are important to us in helping stakeholders maintain trust in our processes and in what we report and supports our commitment to openness and transparency.
Ernst and Young LLP provides limited assurance of selected sustainability data. A summary of recommendations can be found in their Independent Assurance Statement via the link provided on this page.
We define our approach to reporting within our reporting criteria document, which details the scope, boundaries and assurance status for each of the indicators we report on.
We're transforming to become more consumer focused, more agile and more performance driven.
This means we're better able to deliver enhanced shareholder returns and meet the needs of our wider stakeholders.
Read our 2024 Annual Report to find out more.